Wednesday, February 24, 2016

First Visits With Our Boy

It's Alyssa, writing from across the ocean.

We met Little Man (Charlie on RR), he is the sweetest little boy.  I am already so, so in love with him.  It's still so surreal that the little boy who I advocated for two Christmas' ago, is now going to be my brother.  It's surreal to actually meet a little one that I've advocated for.

He is smart. So very smart.  He does not let anything stop him, and is very independent! Climbing, running, jumping, giggling, sliding, kicking the soccer ball,  swinging, blowing kisses...guys, he is incredible. My big sister heart is so, so full. It's going to be extremely hard to leave him on Friday and travel back across the ocean.

He picks up on things very quickly, loves to figure out how things work.  Today (2/224/2016) during our morning visit, I took apart the ring stacking toy and handed the two pieces to him.  He immediately took the two pieces and attempted to screw them back together, and was so determined to *fix* it. He gets frustrated when he puts the ring on in the wrong order.  Today we learned that he love to color and draw, and that he prefers his left hand (We'll have two lefties now!).  He loves water and bath time, loves to eat and eats well.  Our team here in country is so lovely, our Social Worker is so kind, and so is our facilitator.

Neither my dad or I slept last night.  Time change is not my friend.  But meeting Little Man makes it all worth it! ;)

The food at our Hotel is delicious. I ate these fritters for breakfast this morning, with jam, which is also delicious though I have no clue what type of jam it is. I've also discovered a new love for Chamomile tea, which is what we drink every morning with our breakfast.

After meeting Little Man, we've decided that Nikolai doesn't fit him, and have decided on another name.  Which I'm excited to share because his new name means "God Given" or "God Gifted" which I think is absolutely perfect seeing as Little Man is a God given gift! 

Well, I think it's about time for a nap. 
We love you, guys! Thanks, for being our village! 

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